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high-temperature creep中文是什么意思

用"high-temperature creep"造句"high-temperature creep"怎么读"high-temperature creep" in a sentence


  • 高温蠕动


  • Verification regulation of high - temperature creep and stress - rupture testing machine
  • The proper processing , which is difficult , can assure the final acceptable proportion microstructure ( fig . 1 ) and the expected high - temperature creep strength
    正确的工艺过程(是很难实现的) ,可以保证最后能被接受的均衡微观结构和所期待的高温蠕变强度。
  • This kind of steel is a casting material of p91 , with the better performances of high temperature anti - oxidation , high - temperature creep rupture strength , t hermal conductivity and the lower performances of t hermal expansion . there is no casting in chinese
用"high-temperature creep"造句  
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